What Others Are Saying About War Cries: Unheard Voices, Unmarked Graves
by Kerry Arquette
(Poetry / Social Conscience)
ISBN-13: 978-0692697962/ISBN-10: 0997806257
SRP (Paperback) $15.95 / SRP (eBook) $7.99
"As the progeny of an extended family that was murdered in the holocaust,this book profoundly spoke to me. It is a significant work to better graspthe indescribable horror of that epoch. But, do not read it lightly or quickly. A few poems at a sitting will best convey Ms. Arqette's eloquence."
- photo geek, Amazon reviews
"This is an astonishing work by an amazing writer. The stories are short, poetic, poignant, and invoke a plethora of emotions with each story. The writing is tight and unsparing in its depth. Perspectives are from all segments of the population in Europe during Nazi Germany--the persecuted and the persecutor. You cannot put it down." - LindaJB, Amazon reviews
"The combination of research and poetry truly gave voice to those who have perished and provides a reminder of both the depths of depravity to which some fall and the heights of valor that others reach." - Keynoter, Amazon reviews
"A truly magnificent book! It really personalizes the lives of the subjects of the poems. I want to use it as a companion to Diary of Anne Frank and Night with my students. Powerful."
- Leigh R. Paddon, Amazon reviews