The Shore Across

The shore across the bay is dimly lit at night
Tiny sparkling embers betray the life across
I know they're warm and laughing over the
Steamers freshly drawn from the mud out front
Listening to the tone-deaf piano belt out again
The tune they've heard a million times
The moon rises over their land, not mine
And teases me with a satin rolling glade
I cannot go to the shore; not yet

By day, I see them playing and their voices sting my eyes
With salt spray from the waves which I could sail
If only it would blow toward the shore across
The gulls, the gulls, like frantic origami swans
They laugh and mock as I sit sandy and alone
Like them I'd fly as an Icarus set free
I could walk to the shore across, if but for the sea
I damn my exile, self-imposed and inflicted
Like the lonely posted guard who shoots his foot

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The Shore Across - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                                                           45
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