An Ephesian Rose

Awash in doubt your eyes in disbelief inquire
What could steal away the gaze which before had burned like fire?
What siren song could bend the ear and make complacent not to hear
Your loving voice, neglected cry or searching tears?
Alas, it's not as one may think, but nonetheless a bitter ale
Confused and harried and near the brink, it must not let go stale
Deep in comfort you inspire, lulled as if by lyric prose
In this intense unbounded world, seeking an Ephesian rose
I survey with mortal hands, distracted by mundane demands
No poor excuse should you endure by one who's foolish blind
Nor empty space of time await uncharted course to find
Lest the heart in doubt should think, the river's running course is clear
Obstacles give pause to drink, and follow true the bouldered path
Apprehension must persevere, for knowledge that you are held dear.

An Ephesian Rose  - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                                                        43
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