The Fields

Who could have thought that coming together
Would push us so far apart?
Before today I was delirious drunk with every
Word you would say.
With eager smiles I came to toil in the blazing fields
Because you stood in the shade to slake my thirst
At day's end soothing with your voice
Singing the songs of freedom while I closed my eyes
To see therein my home, the birthright of a battered heart
I was happy then in my mind with the promise of a better day
Sated on wine and the tangle of hair scented with perfume
But I have been long and wont in the rows
I know not what it was
The rough hands, split and calloused, the voice humbled and unnerved
The yoke that I dragged across the earth behind me
In the shade, alone, the dark burns were not the strapping tan
They had appeared, a figure less noble than from the vantage
Stood out among the hands

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The Fields - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                                                                        39
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