A Pint of Anxiety

A round wooden table like a lectern set with nothing to say
I'm early and nervous but why I cannot possibly say
It's not the first pint we've had, yet anxious excited am I
The glass at the table stands comforting quiet while the rest of the patrons pass by
I wait at the table the pint in my hand, expecting that smile's appear
Nothing else matters but this small round table that's where we're set to be
Together alone, time to ourselves just blonde hair, blue eyes and me
The glass sets before me to steady my hand, the jitters I can't let you see
A dark amber ale waits before me, patient as I'd like to show
I look toward the stairs to see you coming to our nest here below
I feel so dependent looking attendant, the ale on my tongue is quite dry
Finally descendant that glorious gleam in your eye
The passionate hug that encircles my heart, leaves me a satisfied guy

A Pint of Anxiety - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                                                              16
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