Happy Ending by David Rat

Happy Ending
a memoir by David Rat

Every Happy Ending implies a not-so-happy beginning, and David Rat's story—from a groundbreaking career as the drummer of the 'Noise-Rock' cult band Rat At Rat R to a devastating addiction to heroin—follows a path from soaring heights (and highs) to the hellish basement of desperate addiction (the lowest of all possible lows).

David Rat's gripping memoir is written not in conventional prose but rather, true to his highly artistic nature, in modern free-verse. His story documents not only his addiction but newfound loves, and lost loves too, and ultimately focuses on the source of his eventual recovery— his young son James.

Indeed, fatherhood was David Rat's inspiration, as well as his motivation, to beat the needle. Brutally honest, gripping and openly apologetic, David Rat's story stands as a testament to hope, as well as a tribute to young James, and confirms that even in the darkest of circumstances a
Happy Ending is still possible.
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