
A Word about Open Books

This brief poetic expression is making its debut as an open book. That is to say it is being offered free-of-charge to everyone who wants to read it in electronic form. While this is a new paradigm in the world of modern publishing, historically it is not unknown in the arts to offer art as human expression to elevate the quality of our collective existence. It would be more than vain to suggest this humble work will in any measure achieve that lofty goal; publishing with Open Books is this author's sincere attempt to support the concept that art should be accessible to all and supported by those who are able.
The particular purpose of this work seems especially fitting for this format and may be summed up in the following verse which should be the motto of all publishers everywhere.

All that is sacred
Cannot assume its rightful place
In the universe
Unless it has been set free
To be savored, devoured, consumed, debated, debunked and digested
Such that it, like the nourishment to the cells which complete the whole being
Can be assimilated into the greater fabric which clothes human experience from cold existence.

The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth - Cover
Foreword                                                                                                                 i
Foreword                                                                                                                ii
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