The Sea

It is.
It just is.
When you speak to me of tender things
You are exposed, naked to the wind and waves
Vulnerable, and passive calm,
Enticing, and then enveloped
I am jealous of the sea, it bathes your feet
Its rhythms fill your ears, its sandy floor cradles your hips
Its surface sways sprinkled with your laughter and your smile
You taste its salty spray upon your lips and
Feel its warm embrace, and the sea in return
Delights you with gifts of shells, and stones smoothed
By waves while waiting eons for you to swim
And stroke its essence smooth and slow
Today I could be angry with the sea, I can but
Admire its patience and hope to emulate its feats
It recedes, it comes again. It retreats, returns in full.
The sea pursues, persists, persuades.
Today you spoke, and made me believe I can be the sea.

The Sea - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                                                                              5
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