El Corté

I see you across the space, your back to me.
I promenade with stealth and lust, but quick
Stopped in my tracks by wafted scent
Wicked will tossed by the wind
Green branch snaps to bind your wrists
You stalk like tireless jungle cat
Fresh from out her cave, paused short of the kill
One arm binds 'round like a snake
To draw you in to my embrace
Darkened eyes filled hot with flame
Pivot close and away again
I feel your pulse as in my dreams
The grip that welds us quick releases
Sliding you down extended thigh
Angry fear in your eyes, hunger-lust in mine
No voice to detract from our gripping pact
My eyes command and you obey
In sync and rhythm we slink and sway
Tonight is ours and el corté.
El Corté  - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                                                                           29
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