The Forger's and the Fencer's Art

Forged in fire, scalded in consumptive flame
Love like a blade majestic gleaming, turning, twisting, emerging never quite the same
The forge's heat intensely fed, searing white and molten red
Tries the mettle's purity, needed to endure
Skillful hands determined to keep the blade's design
Tempered love is stronger, to the future's benefit such finer edge inures
Joined together, blade and grip, trusts the forger's hands won't slip
Fate knows well the forger's and the fencer's art, ignites, then hones from hilt to tip
I feel at once amazed dismayed that I inflame and wield
An epee point against itself, exposed with naked shield
I cannot bear to hurt the blade though stronger 'gainst the fray tis made
My love, I'd rather hold your hand
And parry all who between us stand.

The Forger's and the Fencer's Art  - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                              25
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