Without Fear

Without impediment, we say we have not fears
Yet between us lies bare naked time bereft in tears
Of public pleasures, basic measures assumed by all who love
In spite of circumstance we seek the happy mourning dove
The harbinger of freedom from the yoke of prior claims
Without concern for consequence, our passions fan the flames
Oh to declare with clarion calls a love of consternation
Love as true as we have found craves not for affirmation

A long gray horizon breaks only for the light
Driven like a stake upon the edge of my gaze
Without boundaries, seemingly endless is the haze
To that distant harbor, where refuge ends our flight
Unseen, unmarked, unnamed, by Chance, our captain draws the course
Sanguine Expectation steers by the stars these several years
Without a chart she seeks true North, along in Fortune's flowing source
Fate feels the wheel tugged by the keel, making sure the bow will clear
This arbitrary crew, capricious is the lot
Lacking sentimental skills and sense, I know we need them not
So mutiny upon the sea! The wheel is ours to grip
Without our minatory mates, unburdened is our ship.

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Without Fear - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                                                                    23
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