With My Back to the Sea

Your embrace was warm and your eyes parted the spray;
As I stood with my back to the sea on a cliff o'er looking the swells
They broke on the ledge, green, relentless and wide;
You had a view to infinity and I a path to your soul;
The love you expressed with sincerity; brought peace and calm to the shores.
The sentinel mansions stood facing a biting cold bay
Sandwiched and loomed echoing power of nature and Man
With whispered words you shamed their misplaced desire
Mock monuments the gilt mausoleums were mute
As your voice became a balm to a lifetime's concern
The Ocean pressed hard on the precipice
Wind driven waves immersed and exposed steadfast rocks
Dark waters ventured forth from a grey horizon
Sending sharp salt spray upon a biting breeze
Whilst your lips deliver a salve for my yearning
We trod a path balanced between the sea and iron gates
Proudly passing patrons of the surf, you lead to a place
With my back to the rail, my hands upon your cheeks
I looked into the blue, clasping each other for warmth
With my back to the sea, at the edge of the bulkhead we stood
Poised for a moment, love was shared in every dimension.

With My Back to the Sea - The Courage of Intimacy by Keith Ainsworth                                                                                                                                               20
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